Some slushy snow at Cold Creek pond, and across the glass-like water surface you see the snow-capped Sheep Mountains in distant background.
I didn’t fish last Saturday when I visited Cold Creek in a light snowfall, although I was able to enjoy the drama displayed by Mother Nature instead. So, I decided to fulfill my ceremonial pre-Thanksgiving afternoon fishing trip. I probably shouldn’t have gone since I was feeling under the weather, but I was curious about the snow remnants. Enjoy the pictures.
Stocked rainbow of about 10 inches, caught on brown bead-headed nymphAnother 10 inch trout taken by my favorite rod, a 7.5-foot, 4-weight custom fly rod.A small rainbow fighting against the fly rod.A white ATV caravan parked near the pond; seems like an unusual way to spend the holiday.A rainbow displaying color typical of hatchery trout.
Author: FisherDad
I am a Christian who has been married to my wife for over four decades, with six children and four grandchildren so far. I have retired from a string of successful occupations as a certified public accountant, a chief financial officer, and a registered municipal advisor. I have been a fly angler for almost five decades. My one and only article submission was published by Southwest Fly Fishing magazine (now American Fly Fishing). You can learn more about me by clicking on “About” on the top of my blog page.
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On right-hand side of the blog posts is an alphabetical listing of the places I've blogged on, with the number of blogs on each location shown in parenthesis. If you're looking for specific locations that might be useful.
I just stumbled across your blog while researching places to fly fish in the Las Vegas area during my down for Thanksgiving. I grew up in Boulder City and have only just recently taken up fly fishing since moving to Northern Ontario. What flies would you recommend? Thanks for the excellent blog,
Thanks for your kind words and for taking the time to post a comment.
I assume your question about fly selection is in reference to the Cold Creek pond. I’ve been asked this a few times, and if you refer you to my November 11, 2013 Cold Creek blog you can read my previous advice (paste this URL in your web search engine: There are a series of comments regarding fly selection for Cold Creek; my advice is the on the 8th comment down, a reply to Jeff Smith. By the way, these recommended fly selections would work fine on the urban ponds in Boulder City, Sunset Park, Lorenzi Park, or Tule Springs Park.
great blog, thank you!
I go fishing sometimes, not nearly as often as I would like as I work about 70 hours a week.
I usually find places in Utah.
I found your blog once before googling cold creek. This time it popped up when I googled beaver dam campground.
Thanks, Shawn. Are you an angler? How'd you find this blog?
On right-hand side of the blog posts is an alphabetical listing of the places I've blogged on, with the number of blogs on each location shown in parenthesis. If you're looking for specific locations that might be useful.
I just stumbled across your blog while researching places to fly fish in the Las Vegas area during my down for Thanksgiving. I grew up in Boulder City and have only just recently taken up fly fishing since moving to Northern Ontario. What flies would you recommend? Thanks for the excellent blog,
Austin —
Thanks for your kind words and for taking the time to post a comment.
I assume your question about fly selection is in reference to the Cold Creek pond. I’ve been asked this a few times, and if you refer you to my November 11, 2013 Cold Creek blog you can read my previous advice (paste this URL in your web search engine: There are a series of comments regarding fly selection for Cold Creek; my advice is the on the 8th comment down, a reply to Jeff Smith. By the way, these recommended fly selections would work fine on the urban ponds in Boulder City, Sunset Park, Lorenzi Park, or Tule Springs Park.
All the best.
— Mark