A few weeks ago I read in the local paper the Nevada Department of Wildlife was scheduled to plant trout in the Cold Creek pond. Today I confirmed they did. One other angler was fishing bait, but he was doing it well: small hooks enabling him to catch and release five trout that I noticed. As for me, in about an hour I landed four, but had hooks pulled out of three others. Awesome weather there today. I was surprised but thankful only one other angler was on the pond. Enjoy the photos.

Thank you for sharing your Cold Creek Pond experience. I always enjoy your eloquent, godly writing. You're a real encouragement to me. Thank you.
Randy –
Your kind comments are greatly appreciated. The fact you took the time to acknowledge the underlying theme of this blog brings Him great joy, and helps me remember that He works in ways that I cannot always see.
I’ve often posted that I have great wonderment when in the wild outdoors because it screams to me the magnificent act of creation. I’m dumbfounded by those who spend time in wild nature but fail to see the Creator’s hand in it all. These same people can tour the large, urban cosmopolitan cities and marvel at what man can design and build. To see God’s creation and miss Him, but man’s creation and elevate him as a god is the idiocy of fools. (Google and read Romans 1:18-23, and select NLT or NIV translations for easier reading.)
As a side note, the funniest billboard I ever saw was traveling south on US395 between Reno and Carson City. It was during the time Las Vegas was on a string of old resort implosions in order to build replicas of others cities like the Paris, Venetian, Luxor, New York, Bellagio, etc.. The billboard displayed a glorious winter scene of Lake Tahoe, and the message simply read, “Hey Vegas, build this!”
In addition to verses like Romans 1, connecting two other sets always brings chills up my spine.
In circa 1500 B.C., Moses wrote that “God said” the earth, land, oceans, plants, animals, sun, moon, universe, and man into existence (again, Google and read all of Genesis 1 and select NLT or NIV translations). Our all-powerful God spoke all existence into being.
Just a few decades after Jesus’s crucifixion, 1600 years after Moses wrote Genesis, Apostle John wrote that Jesus “was the Word.” The Greek “Logos” is translated to “Word” in this scripture, and in both Greek philosophy and Jewish thought of that day it personified an instrument for the execution of God’s will. We often refer to the scriptures as the “Word.” John’s opening verses in his Gospel were designed to inform both Jews and Gentiles of his time exactly who Jesus was: God made man; our personal redeemer through whom we can be reconciled to God. He was writing to people who knew of and likely saw or heard the “man” Jesus, and he was telling them that he is also God, the God from the beginning. I always see the connection to Genesis in John’s opening salvo, “In the beginning there was the Word. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Later in verse 10 he writes, “The Word was in the world, and the world was made by him, but the world did not know him.” Google and read John 1:1-16 (select NLT or NIV translations) to receive the full effect of who Jesus was, and what he accomplished by becoming a human man sacrifice for us on earth.
We believers know we cannot earn our way into eternal bliss with Him, but through His unfathomable sacrifice we can be saved from our sinful ways simply by believing in Him, seeking to know His true nature, to love Him because he first loved us, and then spread the Word to others who don’t know him yet.
Thank you for sharing your faith.
– FisherDad
Dear FisherDad,
Thank you for your thoughtful and lengthy response. Your historical development of the "Word" was fascinating and inspiring to me. Thanks again for your time and thoughtful response.
I'm a retired college instructor (West Valley College, Saratoga, CA) and Family Counselor. In retirement, I continue to write books in the field of communication and Christian ministry and serve as a speaker at Pastor and Christian Mens Conferences in California and Hawaii.
As a conference speaker, I've used you several times in the past year as a Christian man who communicates the Gospel using 21st Century technology. You inspire pastors and Christian men in ways that is pleasing in the sight of the Lord.
Thank you for all that you do, FisherDad.
Your friend,
Randy Fujishin